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York Smile Care Blog

Tips for Taking Care of Your Invisalign Aligners

May 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — yorksmilecare @ 6:22 pm
Woman holding her Invisalign aligner.

If you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment to correct your crooked teeth, you’re probably very excited to be on your way to a healthier smile! Not only will these aligners straighten and significantly improve the appearance of your teeth, but they’ll do so in a subtle fashion. However, it’s up to you to ensure that they do their job, meaning that taking proper care of your aligners is crucial. Here are some tips to help you keep your Invisalign aligners clean and functional without compromising your treatment process.


What Are Tips from Your Dentist on the Freedoms of Invisalign?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — yorksmilecare @ 9:11 pm
young man smiling and holding Invisalign aligner

When people hear “orthodontic treatment,” they typically envision a mouth full of metal wires and brackets. However, Invisalign is another excellent alternative solution for misaligned teeth that can help people achieve the smile of their dreams without the hassle of conventional metal braces. Plus, there are many freedoms of Invisalign you can enjoy while undergoing treatment! Read on to learn from your dentist in York about some examples of how clear aligners can help you feel more comfortable while correcting your smile.


5 Traits of an Ideal Dental Implant Candidate

December 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — yorksmilecare @ 1:55 pm
Happy dental implant candidate reclining in dentist's chair

Are you thinking about getting dental implants? Truly, they are the best form of tooth replacement available today. But are they right for you? A qualified dental expert can help you answer that question for sure. In the meantime, we can provide a basic list of some of the top qualities that define an ideal dental implant candidate.


4 Must-Know Ways to Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

October 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — yorksmilecare @ 4:23 pm

Do you have dental insurance, but aren’t quite sure how to use it? Don’t worry – you’re far from alone. Between the unfamiliar jargon and the seemingly endless pages of paperwork, many patients aren’t truly familiar with how to maximize their dental insurance benefits. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways you can prevent valuable dollars from going to waste each year. To learn what they are, read on!

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